Vitamin B12 Injections
B12 is an energy and metabolism booster and is essential if you are
a vegetarian or vegan.
Are you suffering from any of the following?
* Irritability
* Mood swings
* Confusion
* Forgetfulness
* Fogginess
* Psychosis
* Hallucinations or delusions
* Depression
* Anxiety/Panic attacks
* Tension headaches
* Stress
* Fatigue
* Poor immunity
* Hair loss
If you answer yes to one or more of these, this could be a sign that you are not getting
enough Vitamin B12.
Just some of the benefits of B12
1. Prevents Fatigue
2. Gives You an Energy Boost
3. Improves Brain Power
4. Lowers the Risk of Heart Disease
5. Slows Down Memory Loss
6. Helps You Lose Weight
7. Alleviates Anxiety
8. Aids Sleep
9. Helps Improve Your Appearance
10. Helps to normalise hormones
£25 per injection, course of 3 £167.50, course of 6 £120