Dermaplaning Facial

Dermaplaning Deluxe Facial

Dermaplaning is a simple and safe, mechanical, superficial exfoliation of the skin alongside

the removal of vellus hair, also known as ‘peach fuzz’. A fine medical-grade blade gently

scrapes away dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. Dermaplaning can help smooth

scaring, reduce uneven skin tone, revealing a fresher, smoother complexion underneath,

whilst minimising fine lines and wrinkles.

The treatment is a two-in-one exfoliating and hair removal service, great for those who

cannot have peeling agents. It removes fine hair and superficial cells, making the skin appear

brighter and more radiant. A build-up of dead skin cells can clog your pores and follicles

resulting in breakouts, which is why dermaplaning can aid a clearer complexion. It also

encourages topical products that are applied post-treatment to work more effectively, as

they penetrate deeper into the skin, with less product.

Double cleanse, dermaplaning tool to exfoliate, face mask, massage, tone, eye cream, moisturise and solar shield.

60 minutes £58

Double cleanse, dermaplaning tool to exfoliate, tone, eye cream, moisturise and solar shield.

30 minutes £38

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